The Hammer | Motorhead |

The Hammer

Testo The Hammer

Let the killer go, don‘t let your mother know,
Don‘t go out tonight, don‘t even try to fight,
‘Cos I can see, I‘ve got the thing you need,
And I‘m here to stay, it‘s gonna be that way,
Don‘t try to run, don‘t try to scream,
Believe me, The Hammer‘s gonna smash your dream

I‘m in your life, just might be in your wife,
Could be behind your back, I might be on your track,
And it might be true, I might be onto you,
I‘ll scare you half to death, I‘ll take away your breath,
Don‘t try to see, don‘t try to hide,
Believe me, The Hammer‘s gonna make you die

There ain‘t no way, you‘ll see another day,
I‘m shooting out your lights, bring you eternal night,
And your eternal tricks, begin to make me sick,
The only thing I know, is that you‘ve gotta go,
Don‘t try to hide, don‘t look around,
Believe me, The Hammer‘s gonna bring you down,

Believe me, The Hammer‘s coming down!

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